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ekaterina choukel

nutritionist | #QUITSUGAR

For some, it’s chocolate, for others, it’s bread. “Control yourself” seems to be the mantra today. “Eat a little bit of everything”. But that is precisely the problem ! Once the taste of our “favorite” food is on our tongue, it’s a disaster. We no longer have control and we can’t stop.

You might think that you lack motivation or willpower when you give up after a diet. Most importantly, don’t blame yourself. Indeed, it is now well known that processed foods activate reward circuits in the brain. Indeed, they provide feelings of calmness and euphoria. On a neurobiological level, sugar follows the same mechanisms as all forms of drugs: nicotine, alcohol…

Surely, it is not a sign of lack of willpower or weakness to not be able to control yourself. In fact, processed food has become a socially acceptable drug. And you’ve fallen into the trap.

Food addiction is characterized by a loss of control over certain foods, emotional dependence and negative consequences in major areas of life, such as health, work, relationships and spiritual development.

Healing is subtle because we can’t completely stop eating. Hopefully, it is entirely possible to overcome it. Your life is ahead of you! You undoubtedly have a unique personality and skills to offer. I want you to be capable of giving the best of yourself, as well as receiving the best that life has to offer. Therefore, you have the choice to give yourself a chance for healing.

I am a certified nutritionist. In truth, I don’t have a magic wand solution or diet to offer you. We walk together this path of recovery, a fantastic experience of freedom, peace and empowerment.

Every day is an opportunity for change.

Why come to see you rather than another nutritionist?

I don’t recommend eating according to the rules of standard food pyramids! Yes, food is a pleasure. No, ultra-processed foods are not just “empty calories,” they are harmful to our bodies. I also do not recommend my patients to “eat a little bit of everything” because often.. well, they just can’t!

No, my patients are not lacking in willpower and they are not stupid. It’s actually quite the opposite.

Most of them are addicted to ultra-processed foods, often sugary ones. We are not all equal when faced with a piece of chocolate. The biochemical structure of an addict’s brain does not respond the same way as does the brain of a person who can moderate his consumption. There is also a dysfunction of the hormonal function.

I assess the addiction with a specific test to ensure that I am working with an addict and not an emotional eater. This type of issue requires consequently an appropriate approach.

Some patients also come to see me to specifically implement a ketogenic lifestyle safely.

As very accurately stated by Albert Einstein, “there comes a point in your life when you need to stop reading other people’s books and write your own.”

Is this the moment for you?

What is it like to work with sugar addicts?

I myself was addicted to sugar most of my life. An addict’s brain can come up with many excuses to justify eating sugar, even if it means go and get it from the trash. I understand how difficult it is to resist an overwhelming craving, especially during social activities. An appropriate diet is particularly needed in this case.

However, the therapeutic process goes way beyond nutrition. An addict often develops survival techniques such as putting others before themselves, avoiding mistakes, being invisible, keeping emotions under control, trying to please everyone. I know the fear of breaking these survival rules, leaving people behind, becoming a different person… to let the addiction go.

I love seeing my patients regain inner freedom and serenity.

My Philosophy

My approach revolves around understanding your individual needs and challenges, tailoring  strategies to suit your lifestyle and preferences. I particularly focus on sustainable changes rather than quick fixes, aiming for long-term health and well-being.

Through personalized guidance and support, we work together to empower you to make nourishing choices that align with your goals and values. Together, we navigate the journey towards a healthier, happier you.

Getting rid of the dieting mindset
Rediscovering a peaceful relationship with food
No longer craving processed foods, but craving life
Achieving your ideal weight and maintaining it

The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the soul, although the two cannot be separated.



SUGAR® Sugar Use General Assessment Recording (ongoing) – Bitten’s addiction
The first and only diagnostic instrument specifically dedicated to assessing addiction/pathological use of sugar, carbohydrates (such as flour) and other processed foods

Holistic Medicine for Addiction® (HMA®) (ongoing) – Bitten’s addiction
Nutrition for addictive brain (LCHF/ keto), adaptation of food plans, relapse prevention, de-shaming, solution oriented

Addictive eating – Nutrition Network
Identification, Management & Treatment of Processed Food Addiction

Nutritionist – TCMA, Thérapie Complémentaire et Médecine Alternative, Geneva

Family/ Parent coach – HappyFamilies, Institut de Coaching Familial, Geneva
Solution-oriented method